Rômulo (Rômulo José Pacheco da Silva), Brazil - 29 years
Have you find the right Rômulo? We have 5 players named Rômulo, see them all here.
Rômulo from Brazil have had advanced positions among the top scorers in Chinese Super League 2022 but never scored enough goals in any season to become the leagues number one top scorer.
He was born on 27 October 1995, and the place of birth was Recife, Brazil and the position he normally occupies on the football field is as midfielder.
Rômulo (Rômulo José Pacheco da Silva) hat-trick
Here you find one hat-trick that Rômulo (Rômulo José Pacheco da Silva) have scored.
League | Match and date | Goals |
Chinese Super League 2022 |
Chengdu Rongcheng - Hebei - 6-0 3 november 2022 |
3 6', 53', 75' |
Information about Rômulo
Player position
Date of birth
27 October 1995
Place of birth
Recife, Brazil
169 cm
Source: Wikipedia
Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Rômulo (Rômulo José Pacheco da Silva, born 1995) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.