Paulinho (Paulo José de Oliveira), Brazil - 39 years
Have you find the right Paulinho? We have 8 players named Paulinho, see them all here.
Paulinho, Brazil was the top scorer in Allsvenskan, Sweden 2018. See other high positions in top scorer lists below.
His birth date was 9 March 1986 and thereby he is 39 years old right now and the position he normally occupies on the football field is as forward.
Sometimes Paulinho is also called Paulinho Guerreiro.
Paulinho top scorer list postions
League, Team | Season | Goals | Position | Age | Winner/leader |
2019 | 11 |
6 | 33 | Mohammed Buya Turay |
2018 | 20 |
1 | 32 | Paulinho |
2017 | 9 |
6 | 31 | Karl Holmberg and Magnus Eriksson |
2016 | 9 |
12 | 30 | John Owoeri |
2015 | 11 |
7 | 29 | Emir Kujovic |
2010 | 8 |
10 | 24 | Alexander Gerndt |
2009 | 7 |
15 | 23 | Tobias Hysén and Wanderson Do Carmo |
2008 | 9 |
10 | 22 | Jonas Henriksson |
2007 | 13 |
5 | 21 | Garðar Gunnlaugsson |
Paulinho (Paulo José de Oliveira) hat-tricks
Here you find 4 hat-tricks that Paulinho (Paulo José de Oliveira) have scored over the years.
League | Match and date | Goals |
Allsvenskan 2018 |
Trelleborg - Häcken - 0-3 6 may 2018 |
3 8', 31', 90' |
Allsvenskan 2015 |
Häcken - Elfsborg - 5-2 25 october 2015 |
3 58', 65', 87' |
Allsvenskan 2015 |
Häcken - Halmstad - 4-1 14 september 2015 |
3 31', 42', 68' |
Superettan 2007 |
Häcken - Åtvidaberg - 4-1 8 october 2007 |
3 9', 71', 87' |
Information about Paulinho
Player position
Date of birth
9 March 1986
173 cm
Source: Wikipedia
Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Paulinho (Paulo José de Oliveira, born 1986) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.