Míchel (José Miguel González Martín del Campo), Spain - 61 years

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Míchel, Spain has never been the best goal scorer in a league, but he has been part of the top scoring list in La Liga 1991/1992 and La Liga 1993/1994.

Today he is 61 years old, born on 23 March 1963 in Madrid, Spain and usually he played as midfielder. He has also scored 21 goals in 66 national team matches for Spain. In the year 1997 he chose to give up playing football on a professional level.

Míchel top scorer list postions

League, Team Season Goals Position Age Winner/leader
La Liga
18 31 Romário
La Liga
17 29 Manolo

Information about Míchel

Player position
Date of birth
23 March 1963
Place of birth
Madrid, Spain
183 cm
National team caps
National team goals
Source: Wikipedia

Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Míchel (José Miguel González Martín del Campo, born 1963) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.