Leandro (Leandro Montera da Silva), Brazil - 40 years
Have you find the right Leandro? We have 3 players named Leandro, see them all here.
Leandro, Brazil was the top scorer in J1 League, Japan 2016. See other high positions in top scorer lists below.
His complete name is Leandro Montera da Silva and his birth date was 12 February 1985 and thereby he is 40 years old right now. His normal position is striker.
Leandro top scorer list postions
League, Team | Season | Goals | Position | Age | Winner/leader |
J1 League
2016 | 19 |
1 | 31 | Leandro and Peter Utaka |
J1 League
2015 | 9 |
17 | 30 | Yoshito Okubo |
J1 League
2014 | 11 |
10 | 29 | Yoshito Okubo |
J1 League
2012 | 14 |
3 | 27 | Hisato Sato |
J1 League
2009 | 11 |
13 | 24 | Ryoichi Maeda |
J1 League
2007 | 15 |
6 | 22 | Juninho |
Information about Leandro
Complete name
Leandro Montera da Silva
Player position
Date of birth
12 February 1985
176 cm
Source: Wikipedia
Articles containing Leandro
At the moment we have one article where Leandro is mentioned, click on the article below to read a bit more about him.
African top scorers from 2000 to today
(26 February 2021)
Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Leandro (Leandro Montera da Silva, born 1985) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.