Clayton (Clayton Ferreira Cruz), Brazil - 49 years
Have you find the right Clayton? We have 2 players named Clayton, see them all here.
Clayton (Brazil) has never succeeded in becoming the top scorer in a league but was part of the top-20 list of scorers in Primeira Liga 1999/2000.
His complete name is Clayton Ferreira Cruz and 19 July 1975 is the date when he was born on, which makes him 49 years old now. Usually he played as forward. He ended his football career as a player in 2012.
Clayton top scorer list postions
League, Team | Season | Goals | Position | Age | Winner/leader |
Primeira Liga
1999/2000 | 8 |
14 | 24 | Mário Jardel |
Clayton (Clayton Ferreira Cruz) hat-trick
Here you find one hat-trick that Clayton (Clayton Ferreira Cruz) have scored.
League | Match and date | Goals |
Primeira Liga 1999/2000 |
Rio Ave - Santa Clara - 0-5 26 september 1999 |
3 20', 39', 54' |
Information about Clayton
Complete name
Clayton Ferreira Cruz
Player position
Date of birth
19 July 1975
176 cm
Source: Wikipedia
Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Clayton (Clayton Ferreira Cruz, born 1975) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.