Brandão (Evaeverson Lemos da Silva), Brazil - 44 years
Have you find the right Brandão? We have 2 players named Brandão, see them all here.
Brandão, Brazil was the top scorer in Premjer-Liha, Ukraine 2005/2006. See other high positions in top scorer lists below.
The full name he listens to is Evaeverson Lemos da Silva and he is 44 years old, the day he was born was 16 June 1980. His normal position was striker. He stopped playing professional football in 2017.
Brandão top scorer list postions
League, Team | Season | Goals | Position | Age | Winner/leader |
Ligue 1
2012/2013 | 11 |
13 | 32 | Zlatan Ibrahimovic |
2007/2008 | 12 |
7 | 27 | Marko Devic |
2006/2007 | 9 |
6 | 27 | Oleksandr Hladkyy |
Europa League
2005/2006 | 5 |
6 | 25 | Matias Delgado |
2005/2006 | 15 |
1 | 25 | Brandão and Emmanuel Okoduwa |
2004/2005 | 12 |
2 | 25 | Oleksandr Kosyrin |
2003/2004 | 8 |
8 | 24 | Giorgi Demetradze |
Brandão (Evaeverson Lemos da Silva) hat-tricks
Here you find 2 hat-tricks that Brandão (Evaeverson Lemos da Silva) have scored over the years.
League | Match and date | Goals |
Premjer-Liha 2006/2007 |
Metalurh Zaporizhya - Shakhtar Donetsk - 0-3 18 november 2006 |
3 24', 49', 90' |
Premjer-Liha 2005/2006 |
Metalist Kharkiv - Shakhtar Donetsk - 1-5 20 august 2005 |
4 1', 5', 45', 90' |
Information about Brandão
Complete name
Evaeverson Lemos da Silva
Player position
Date of birth
16 June 1980
189 cm
Source: Wikipedia
Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Brandão (Evaeverson Lemos da Silva, born 1980) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.