Anselmo (Anselmo Tadeu Silva do Nascimento), Brazil - 43 years

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Anselmo from Brazil have had advanced positions among the top scorers in Allsvenskan 2008, Allsvenskan 2010 and Chinese Super League 2012 but never scored enough goals in any season to become the leagues number one top scorer.

Anselmo Tadeu Silva do Nascimento, which is his full name, is a player who mostly plays at the position of forward. He is 43 years old today, born on 24 October 1980 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Anselmo top scorer list postions

League, Team Season Goals Position Age Winner/leader
Chinese Super League
4 32 Cristian Danalache
15 30 Alexander Gerndt
2 28 Patrik Ingelsten

Information about Anselmo

Complete name
Anselmo Tadeu Silva do Nascimento
Player position
Date of birth
24 October 1980
Place of birth
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
182 cm
Source: Wikipedia

Note that this is top scorer data we have in our database. Anselmo (Anselmo Tadeu Silva do Nascimento, born 1980) might be part of top scorer lists in other leagues we don't have here, or seasons we don't have in our database yet.