5 The Worst Football Shirts in EPL

Manchester United: 1992-94
These were third shirts and they were used between 1992 and 1994. These were used in 1992 to celebrate Newton Heath and they were considered as ice and cool. But, fans used the same colors to tell the world they are not happy with the new ownership of the club. An interesting fact is that today you can see a lot of Photoshopped images with these shirts on and with all sorts of additions.Anyway, the shirts looked badly and there is no strong link between these and the success in the matches or anything else. All we can add is that these shirts are probably some of the worst in history and especially worst in the Premier League. Luckily the club opted for red shirts soon after that so these went to the oblivion soon.
Nottingham Forest: 1995-1997
These shirts were used between 1995 and 1997. They were away shirts and they were bad. There were 6 designs here and each one was especially bad and ugly. The shirts looked like these are not designed properly or like a child would create something with a pencil. There is no unique theme of the shirts or something similar.The dominant yellow color just made things worse. Keep in mind that these are the worst shirts in the league at all times and these are still considered as the worst of the worst. They are simply not right and they look awful. Luckily these were in use for only 2 years and they weren't popular even back then. Take a look at the photo of the shirt and you will see why.
Norwich: 1992-1994
Norwich used these shirts between 1992 and 1994. These were home shirts and as you can see they were special. In other words, these are some of the worst-looking shirts ever used. They look like ordinary shorts you would wear in Hawaii in the 50s. The club was successful while wearing these shirts but they were simply out of time and they were awful.Keep in mind that these were home shirts which made things even worse and more annoying. The colors and the canvas are both annoying to look at. There is nothing fun and appealing here that should help you understand how bad the shirts were.
Chelsea: 1994-1996
These are shirts Chelsea used between 1994 and 1996 for away matches. They are simply awful and bad shirts that we don't want to see ever again. First of all, the shirts use a weird color scheme that doesn't match anything well. If you see one today you can tell that there was no appeal of any kind and that the designers just wanted to complete the process as soon as possible.The only recognizable thing here is the brand of the sponsor, Coors. They are a beer maker from the United States. In a nutshell, the shirts were bad and made the entire team look like a poor and unknown club from some other league. Orange, grey, and blue colors were used and as you can agree, these don't match well. In other words, these are some of the worst shirts due to a reason and you will know the reason as soon as you take a look at the shirt.
Liverpool: 2013-2014
These are the third Liverpool shirts used between 2013 and 2014. The worst thing here is that the shirts were linked with all sorts of issues in the club and many questions of how these shirts were chosen in the first place. Yes, they looked modern but they also looked imbalanced and improper in so many ways including influence from bookmakers. The shirts we have here are commonly known as some of the ugliest and the worst shirts of this sport and some of the worst that were used in the recent past.Believe it or not, these shirts made the entire club poorly accepted by fans and brought a lot of shame, to the officials of the club and to the athletes. It is a huge shame we had an opportunity to look at these shirts for one year. Luckily they were replaced any time soon and we will never see them again.